Ok - I am kicking ass. I am doing terribly at the workouts, but I am surviving. And that is my goal for this whole entire month. To survive. (And not end up hospitalized for rhabdomyolysis...)
Also - I am reading another book (yes, I really like to read) :) CrossFit endorses a nutrition "idea" of the Paleo Diet. It's essentially very "clean eating" which is nothing new. But, it has been a good read thus far.
Oh man am I sore. I mean, really sore. But, that means I'm working hard!! I worked out this morning at 6:15am, and it was a little hard waking up. Once my feet hit the floor though, I was ready to go! Here was our workout today (with my results) :
Shoulder Press *5 - 45 lbs
Push Press *5 - 55 lbs
Push Jerk *5 - 65 lbs
10 rounds of:
10 1 arm KB Swings
10 1 arm KB SDHP
other arm,
other arm
-- finished in 14:41.
Feeling good about myself. It's amazing what working out does for your self confidence. Even though I know my physical appearance hasn't changed much yet, I just feel so much better because I know I'm doing something about it!
Tomorrow is the 3rd day of the rotation. CrossFit is three days on; one day off. I can't tell you how excited I am about that day off coming up...
I have been contemplating this for quite some time, and I finally got the balls to do it. I signed up for CrossFit. The amount of workout days in a week, the cost, the difficulty of each workout... I just wasn't sure if I could do it. After talking with some folks that workout there, seeing what unbelievable shape they are in, I just thought "What the heck - let's do this! And for as much as I'm paying each month, dang it, I'm gonna do it!! (There are other motivators out there as well, but nothing like a steep monthly due to get your money's worth.) :)
So, this also means I'm abandoning some of my running. I still have a goal of wanting to run a half marathon, however for now, I just want to be able to complete each week with CrossFit without killing myself in the process.
So - in spite of my attention span the size of a knat's - I am determined to make this a lifestyle change. You know, the kind I started this blog about. I want this to be a complete lifestyle for me. It's a great sense of community, and everyone has been so helpful. (I was wondering around like a chicken with it's head cut off today). I will get the hang of it. I will see results. I will work my ass off. (both mentally and physically) I will make this a complete lifestyle change. I started CrossFit on 01/11/11 ----- what a great day to start a new habit
So, this was our workout today: (5:30pm)
Squat Cleans (cleans)
Ring Dips
It being my first "real" night of workout, (I did a "Foundations" class last night) I was more or less just getting the lay of the land. Figuring out the flow of how the class goes, what to do for warm-up, how to scale some exercises down to keep correct technique.... If you're not familiar with CrossFit, most workouts are timed. I finished this workout in 16:02. I was definitely towards the bottom of the totem pole. Most people finished in about 12-13 minutes. BUT, I finished! I did not perish. I did not completely make a fool out of myself. And I feel pretty awesome about it!
Tomorrow's workout will be at 6:15am. I will get out of bed, I will get out of bed, I will get out of bed....
Well, I'm making it. Almost recovered from our little mini-vacay to Nawlins and have successfully not done a whole lot this weekend. And it feels great! I'm also on Day #2 of my cleanse/detox "diet," and feeling awesome about it! I just completed Session #1 of my running schedule (yes, laundry and cleaning took precedence over running the past couple of days...) I'm not gonna lie - it wasn't easy. A few days off and towards the end started to get a little difficult! But, I finished!!
I have recently discovered www.tilenine.com. I love their stuff!! One of the main things I want/need right now is this: Image from www.tilenine.com
It's their super-duper, no bounce straight jacket of a sports bra. Right up my alley!! One of my biggest pet peeves is bounce.... I can't stand it. I am also very, very self conscious about it. So instead of having to layer on flimsy sports bras, this bad boy is all it takes! I currently run in an Under Armour bra and it's pretty good, I am just experiencing a little chaffing on my collar bones.
Well, I'm off to sit in my recliner and watch some mindless television. :)
Talk soon - P
The Peazey is back from the Big Easy!! And man, did we have a blast! I honestly think I turned into a beignet - we ate SO many!! I've heard so many people always talk about the energy in New Orleans, but I understand it now - what an absolutely unique place. Such a heartbreaker for the Hogs. They've had an amazing season and we're very proud of them!!! Like I've heard people say, I would rather lose the Sugar Bowl than win the Capital One Bowl. What an awesome atmosphere that game was!
And now, back to business... My first week of running went really well. I was really afraid that the quick intervals between running and walking would be a pain in the butt, but I really enjoyed it! Here's my running schedule for this week - I'm having to squeeze them all in since we just got home yesterday.
Week #2/13 Session 1 - Run 2 minutes/Walk 2 minutes x 11 for 44 minutes. Session 2 - Run 1 minute/Walk 2 minutes x 10 for 30 minutes. Session 3 - Run 2 minutes/Walk 2 minutes x 10 for 40 minutes.
Here's another book I'm also reading - it is where I got the running schedule I'm currently doing.
As far as diet goes.... Well, with the Holidays and our mini vacation to New Orleans, I'm basically a big fat tub of lard. Or at least it feels that way. I want to do a little "Detox Diet." I realize that these kinds of diets do not yield fat burning weight loss, but rather water weight loss, but it's kind of the point for me. I have eaten (and drank) so many carbs, sugars, etc, etc (beignets, gumbo, Hurricanes, Hand Grenades...), I just need a few days of low carb, clean eating. After consulting with my registered dietician friend, she said she thought it is fine to do as long as it's only for 3 days since it restricts calories. Here's is The Cleveland Clinic Diet (I realize it's not officially from Cleveland Clinic -- it just sounds better) :)
- black coffee or tea (with 1-2 packets Equal)
- ½ grapefruit or juice
- 1 piece toast with 1 tbsp peanut butter
- ½ cup tuna
- 1 piece toast
- black coffee or tea (with Equal)
- 3oz lean meat or chicken
- 1C green beans
- 1C carrots
- 1 apple
- 1C regular vanilla ice cream
- black coffee or tea
- 1 egg
- ½ banana
- 1 piece toast
- 1C cottage cheese or tuna
- 8 regular saltine crackers
- 2 beef franks
- 1C broccoli
- ½C carrots
- ½ banana
- ½ C vanilla ice cream
- black coffee or tea
- 5 saltine crackers
- 1oz cheddar cheese
- 1 apple
- black coffee or tea
- 1 boiled egg
- 1 piece toast
- 1C tuna
- 1C carrots
- 1C cauliflower
- 1C melon
- ½ C vanilla ice cream
I will start this cleanse tomorrow and will finish Monday night. I can do anything for 3 days. :) Here's to a nice, calm weekend with nothing to do!!
Almost 30 years old, married to an amazing man since 2008, in love with all things food and cooking, momma to Winston the Westie, RN by day, fitness enthusiast (at times), procrastinator, Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma are my two favorite stores, obsessed with my iPhone.... Welcome to my crazy little world. I am a slightly pudgy person with a few pounds to lose and a new, healthy lifestyle to find. I will document my journey here. Also, I feel a Half Marathon in my near future (at least, this is the goal - I just got nauseous typing this...) FYI - these permanent pictures on the blog - they were a few years ago. Trust me, the pudge I speak of is real. :)